
We facilitate workshops to teach the principles of service thinking and apply them to current business problems and opportunities.

Who can benefit from Service Thinking Training?

Executives seeking to improve their customer experience skills and knowledge for the emerging digital economy.

Your Career: A Better Way to Approach Opportunity

Career development, skills acquisition, and the very nature of work itself change with a Service Thinking mindset. Just as Service Thinking organizations need to learn to orchestrate the swirling change of ever-evolving service systems and the organizational plug-and-play of componentized business models, so individuals may apply the same dynamically adaptive Service Thinking to career planning.

Service innovation and service creativity—bounded by smarter service structures and analytics—will enable more flexible work structures and career paths. Successful entrepreneurs and enterprises will apply Service Thinking to enable more people to achieve better work experiences that they themselves define. Tools and processes enable freedom rather than prescribe the solutions. Thus, make a job or take a job is the Service Thinking mantra to navigate your career through the inevitable workplace evolution.

How Is Executive Training Different from Our MBA Course?

While both options train you in the Service Thinking framework, our Executive Training programs are tailored specifically for your enterprise. We condense 30 days of coursework into a two- or three-day workshop that integrates the Certificate of Completion process, minimizing the time employees spend away from the job. We also customize the mentored challenge projects for participating firms.

Sample Training Documents

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Contact us today about how service thinking training can benefit your managers.